Where SMART Beginnings Evolve into Excellence

Beginner Gymnastics Training Program

Gymnasts start with our SMART START program  either one or two days a week, this is your choice. This program has been developed to provide a skill development progression for beginner-level gymnasts.

With that in mind, the SMART START program focuses on basic gymnastics shapes, positions, and dominant movement patterns of the sport.

One hour a week costs $65 a month and two hours a week $100 a month. 

Your commitment at GY is by the month, there is no long term contracts.  

Signing Up with GY SMART START

Joining as a new member is done online; the system will take your information and charge the annual $25 family registration. You add your child’s information and sign up for the SMART START class of your choice.  We will follow up and look at your start date and put in a prorated charge for your joining month. 

Each month the system will auto invoice on the first and take the charge on the 9th. This gives you a chance to pay by cash or check if you prefer. 



Join Gymnastics of York with a complimentary training class and see if we’re the right fit for your athlete! Our SMART Start program builds the foundation for progress and offers physical, mental, and social benefits.